Mila Family

Mila Family
Hola, Meliani and Baby Sione Mila

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Newlywed Bliss

Yay its done can you believe it! After two years of crying, hours on end of frustration boiled to a stop... we're finally eternal!
I wake up some mornings next to the love of my life and I still can't believe he's now my reality. The wonderful prince that every young girl has believed in for so long, has really come true. What used to seem like a dream and impossible to find is now in the palm of my hands forever. Newlywed life is the best! It is definitely everything I expected and so much more. After being engaged for almost two years, our roller coaster ride has come to its first stop. Now it's time for the real journey to begin.
My loving parents for 21 years of my life here on earth, have been the greatest most wonderful teachers and mentors anyone could ever ask for. Growing up with nine other mouths to feed and backs to clothe, they sacrificed everything they had of themselves to provide us with the best. And like most parents, it's always been difficult for them to let us go as well. I don't know if I can honestly find the words to describe our trials and share of tribulations we've experienced, but I do know that every day we fought together was well worth it in the end. You can say my parents had their "own plans" for me. I was always involved in the community, church callings, I love music so you'd always find me singing or jammin somewhere fun. I was going to go to college, serve a mission and marry the man of "their"! As wonderful as their plans for me sounded, I am so glad I took my own road and still accomplished my dream and the plan my father in Heaven has prepared.
I have the best husband and companion I could ever asked for. He is wonderful, charming and kind. And throughout my imperfections still manages to love me for me. I know that we still have a much longer journey and exciting story to tell. And like that great story, I can't wait to turn the next page in our lives... hand in hand.